August 2016
Historic Zoning Commission
Meeting Information

Below is the monthly archive for the August 2016 Historic Zoning Commission meeting, including the agenda, meeting minutes, and the recording of the meeting.

Agenda Minutes

Actions from the August 2016, meeting

8-A-16-HZ Approved

8-B-16-HZ Approved

8-C-16-HZ Approved

8-E-16-HZ Approved

8-F-16-HZ Approved

8-G-16-HZ Approved

8-H-16-HZ Approved

8-I-16-HZ Approved with Conditions

Condition that a trim piece equal to the existing corner board be retained in the location of the right-hand side of the upper-level rear recess to indicate where it was originally located.

8-K-16-HZ Approved with Conditions

LEVEL I: Repair and restore 15 wood double-hung windows. Replace rotted siding between upper and lower levels of rear porches. Replace porch flooring with 1x4 wood tongue-and-groove. Replace plywood ceiling on lower rear porch with wood beadboard. Replace ashalt shingles in-kind on rear porch roof and entire house.

Installation of twelve (12) ~39.5"x66" reflective solar panels on southeast on face of side-gabled roof and three (3) panels on rear porch roof as shown in the submitted drawing. Panels are to be flush-mounted to a metal rail system parallel mounted at less than 6 inches above the roof shingles. The panels as well as the rail system are to be black. An inverter and second power meter are to be installed on the side of the house adjacent to the existing power meter and above the power box. The panels may not be mounted forward of the highest front edge of the hipped roof peak.