Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recomends approval of the proposal with the condition that a trim piece equal to the existing corner board be retained in the location of the right-hand side of the upper-level rear recess to indicate where it was originally located.

Applicant Request

Level II. Major repair or replacement of materials or architectural elements
Architectural feature; Doors; Porch elements; Siding; Windows

Work on front and south side of house:
1. Remove non-original enclosure for staircase between the front porch and the upper porch. Staircase will be replaced with new interior stair. Patch, repair, or provide new wood siding where stair and doorways are removed. Original porch beam at top of wall will be preserved. A new column with scamozzi capital and new wood railing will be built to match the existing porch columns and railings.
2. Remove exterior concrete basement stairs, wood door at bottom of stairs, and small metal roof above stairs on south side.
Remnants of the original interior basement stair were discovered and a new stair will be constructed in that location. All damaged siding to be patched and repaired in-kind. Add wood steps from the front porch to the south side yard in this location.
3.-4. Remove non-original doors to former apartments upstairs and down on front porch. Openings will be filled with wood siding to match existing.

Work on rear of house:
5.-6. Partially enclose rear porches, upstairs and down. New walls will have wood siding to match existing.
7. Remove upper rear deck and staircase - patch porch roof below as required.
8. Remove non-functioning rear partial staircase downstairs.
9. Remove single, double hung, vinyl window facing the alley and replace with new wood, double hung, 2-over-2 window to match original windows.
10. Replace existing back door with door salvaged from front, exterior stair (matches front door).
11. Remove non-original non-functioning door. Opening will be filled with wood siding to match existing.
12. Remove single, double hung, 2-over-2 window facing the alley and replace with new pair of wood, double hung, SDL 2-over-2 windows. Move single window from downstairs to upstairs back wall.
13. Condition for approval: add a trim piece equal to the existing corner board be retained in the location of the right-hand side of the upper-level rear recess to indicate where it was originally located.

Site Info

Queen Ann with Neoclassical influence (c. 1900)

Two-story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, arched one over one attic vent window, partial cornice returns. One- story full front porch with one-half balcony. Round wood columns with Doric capitals on first story and square wood columns on second story. Turned wood balustrade on front porch and balcony. Interior offset rear brick chimney. Brick foundation with lattice panels at front porch. Irregular plan. Cutaway -bay on side elevation. (Contributing)

1. The restoration of the front porch will be based on documentation provided by physical evidence as the design guidelines recommend.

2. Staff believes the installation of the twin double-hung windows in wood in place of the single window will not compromise any important character-defining elements of the house. The early or original window will be reused as the guidelines recommend.

3. The window to replace the vinyl window at the lower rear level of the house will be a wooden SDL 2/2 double-hung window.

4. It appears that the first and second-level porch spaces have been altered from the original configuration of the house. The 1917 Sanborn map indicates that there was a one-story rear portion, but the current one-story rear portion appears to be smaller. The one-story rear porch is now longer extant. The upper level recess that is proposed to be filled in could be original or partially original.


Bob Bob Whetsel

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
1019 Eleanor St

Bob Bob Whetsel