October 2015
Historic Zoning Commission
Meeting Information

Below is the monthly archive for the October 2015 Historic Zoning Commission meeting, including the agenda, meeting minutes, and the recording of the meeting.

Agenda Minutes

Actions from the October 2015, meeting

10-A-15-HZ Approved with Conditions

Replace fascia boards and soffit as needed at corners where rot damage is occurring
Repair window sill on window above front porch
Detach & reset gutter/downspouts
Installation of storm windows with screens with white enamel finish

10-B-15-HZ Approved

10-C-15-HZ Approved

10-D-15-HZ Approved with Conditions

10-E-15-HZ Approved

Relocate and remount Sign A, and install Sign B described as follows:

1) Location A on site plan, photograph Sign A, and Sign A Rendering (east of the driveway entrance on the west, facing northwest)
Mounting: The existing 24"x18" sign will be re-mounted between two 4"x4" wooden posts finials as shown on submitted drawing. The top of the sign will be 36" above the ground.

1) Location B on site plan and Sign B Rendering (parallel to Glenwood Ave., facing the street, approximately 20' from the property line in front of guest parking) Material: Wood (with a natural wood-color stain) with routed letters painted white
Size: 7'x3-½' (24-½'square)
Mounting: The sign will be mounted on natural-stained wooden 4" posts. The bottom of the sign will be 12" above the ground with the top of the sign at 3-½ feet. The sign will be located within a 10-foot landscaped area in the middle of the center lawn.

10-G-15-HZ Approved

10-H-15-HZ Approved as Modified

Replace wood siding in-kind where rotted. Install new asphalt shingle roof. Repair original double-hung windows and reattach weights as needed.

Install wood casement windows on rear and south side of existing addition in place of current screened openings. Siding infill in place of third opening. The fourth opening is proposed to be replaced with half-light wooden door with panels below. A wood casement window is to be installed to the left of the new door. A wooden double-hung window is to be installed on the north side of the existing addition. Revised on 1-14-16: Install an 8-inch frieze board with sloped water table on top, continuous across façade. Replace non-orginal windows in bay on south elevation with wooden double-hung one-over-one windows - repair and replace framing as needed.

Install a narrow strip of PVC trim at the base of the house on the south side as an acceptable alternative to wood trim with no more than a 6-inch-high exposure. It will run horizontally along the ground to replace existing rotted wood trim.

10-I-15-HZ Approved with Conditions

1) Removal of existing non-historic steel fire stairs on south side of building where balconies were originally located, replacement of former balcony floors, and glassing in open balcony and basement-level openings with dark-tinted glass for use as office spaces. New glass wall to be placed behind the existing balcony railing. 2) Construction of additional paved parking lots with 28 new spaces on south and western sides of building. Possibilities for reducing the size of the parking lots must be exhausted. Additionally, the parking lot is to be landscaped with vegetation around the permiter, expecially along Broadway, and as much landscaping as possible is to be incorporated into the parking lot. A landscape plan will be required to be submitted to MPC staff prior to final approval.

10-J-15-HZ Approved as Modified

SIGNAGE: Install hanging projecting double-sided wooden sign panel framed in decorative metal. The approved sign is 33" wide by 4'-6" tall and 9.33 square feet. It is to be mounted at a 45-degree-angle over the building's corner entry and hung from an existing metal signage arm which extends 4'-4". The sign is to be mounted ~14'-6" above the ground.

AWNING: The sloped awning on both sides of the building and arched above the corner entry is approved with the following modifications and conditions: 1) the awning tieback size is to be no larger than 1-and-1/2 inches in diameter (if engineering dictates the tiebacks be of a larger diameter, they must be reviewed by HZC staff for alternatives prior to issuance of a building permit); and 2) the bottom of the awning on both sides shall be mounted at a level such that it does not cover the storefront header on the Market Square facade [not including that of the transom]. The following additional conditions apply to the Wall Street-elevation: 1) the awning shall not be arched over the middle side-entrance; 2) the awning may cover only the first four bays (not the eastern-most bay; 3) the awning shall incorporate recessed panels (similar to those in the awning at 4 Market Square) to align with and be the same width as the building pilasters; and 4) the awning may have a different neutral color within the recesses.

The issuance of a building permit is conditioned on the receipt of a letter from the Industrial Development Board (as holders of the tax credits) stating their authorization of implementing the proposal.

10-K-15-HZ Approved

11-A-15-HZ Approved