Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation


Applicant Request

Level II. Major repair or replacement of materials or architectural elements
Doors; Material changes (wood, brick, metal, etc.); Windows

Replace wood siding in-kind where rotted. Install new asphalt shingle roof. Repair original double-hung windows and reattach weights as needed.

Install wood casement windows on rear and south side of existing addition in place of current screened openings. Siding infill in place of third opening. The fourth opening is proposed to be replaced with half-light wooden door with panels below. A wood casement window is to be installed to the left of the new door. A wooden double-hung or casement window is to be installed on the north side of the existing addition.

Proposal to install a narrow strip of PVC trim at the base of the house on the south side as an acceptable alternative to wood trim with a 2-to 4-inches of exposure. It will run horizontally along the ground to replace existing rotted wood trim.

Site Info

Queen Anne (1889)

Two-story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, asphalt shingle roof covering, bargeboard with date of construction and pendant, vertical board on gable with dentils and circular piercing, applied five-sided stars. One-over-one double-hung windows. One-story full front porch with round wood columns with Ionic capitals, turned wood balustrade with beads, bead board ceiling and tongue-and-groove floor. Offset interior brick chimney. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Projecting bay on front elevation under porch roof. Sidelights with transoms over front entry door. (Contributing)

1) The addition was added prior to the 1999 4th and Gill Historic District Overlay.
2)) The degree of compliance of the modified addition with the listed design guidelines will not be diminished by the changes.
3) The proposed wooden double-hung and casement windows and the half-light door are appropriate in scale, type, and material with the existing addition.
4) The etched tripartite window on the north-side second level is a late installment, replacing a double-hung window that matches the others on the house in size and profile. Therefore, the proposed wooden double-hung replacement window is appropriate and no historic material will be lost.
5) The proposed narrow strip of PVC trim at the base of the house on the south side is an acceptable alternative to wood trim since only a 2-to 4-inch strip is exposed, it will run horizontally along the ground to replace existing rotted wood trim, and is not visible from three of the elevations including the front. The strip will be painted to match other wood trim on the house.


Walter Walter Partain

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
1007 Luttrell St 37917

Walter Walter Partain - Denise Phillips Denise Phillips