Historic Zoning Commission

City Hall (former) H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Approval is recommended with the condition that confirmation is provided that possibilities for reducing the size of the parking lots have been exhausted. Additionally, the parking lot is to be landscaped with vegetation around the permiter, expecially along Broadway, and as much landscaping as possible is to be incorporated internally to the parking lot. A landscape plan will be required prior to final approval.

Applicant Request

Level II. Major repair or replacement of materials or architectural elements
Parking lot or driveway paving; Other: remove fire escape

1) Removal of existing non-historic steel fire stairs on south side of building where balconies were originally located, replacement of former balcony floors, and glassing in open balcony and basement-level openings with dark-tinted glass for use as office spaces. New glass wall to be placed behind the existing balcony railing. 2) Construction of additional paved parking lots with 28 new spaces on south and western sides of building.

Site Info


Two-story brick, low hipped metal roof, with large central dormers on the north and south planes. A pressed metal cornice with dentils and consoles is Classical in design and is repeated above the dormers. Seven bays wide and two bays deep, a stone water table and string coursing emphasize the major horizontal divisions of the building. The south elevation originally had recessed wooden porches (balconies) at both levels. These porches and the transoms and upper portions of all the windows have been infilled in brick to accommodate inappropriate metal windows. Rectangular in plan. National Register (1982).

1. The south façade of the building originally had two levels of open porches or "balconies."
2 The metal firestair was installed sometime prior to 1982 and inappropriately altered the south façade, along with brick infill of windows.
3. Although the porch balconies are proposed to be infilled with glass, the removal of the firestair would be more sympathetic to the original design.
4.The glass tinted glass will screen the office use within.
5. The new firestair on the west side will be somewhat visible from Broadway and from Western Avenue, especially since two trees had be removed.
6. An original window would be required to be replaced with a fire door (the original window opening would be elarged). However, the firestair can be removed in the furture without destroying substantial additional historic fabric. The exit door would be designed to match the existing panelled front entry door on the north side of the building.
7.The proposed new firestair will have structural support of brick to match the existing brick on the building
8. The firestair could be located on the east side of the buidling; however, it would intrude upon an important feature of the campus, which is a grassed green space with heavy tree cover.


Sparkman and Associates - Daniel Scott Cooter Daniel Scott Cooter

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
601 W Summit Hill Dr 37902

LMU Duncan School of Law