April 2012
Historic Zoning Commission
Meeting Information

Below is the monthly archive for the April 2012 Historic Zoning Commission meeting, including the agenda, meeting minutes, and the recording of the meeting.

Agenda Minutes

Actions from the April 2012, meeting

4-A-12-HZ Approved

4-C-12-HZ Approved as Modified

Present door

4-D-12-HZ Approved

4-G-12-HZ Approved as Modified

Modifications required for approval: Utilize round-in-section porch columns to match original as shown in survey file photo (c. 2003) or wood square columns to match those at 1409 Clinch in design, detail,and size. Install turned wood balustrade to match that indicated in the survey file photo and as appropriate for the style and scale of the porch (at least on east side of porch where existed as in survey file photo). Reconstruct wood porch roof to match original as indicated in file photo, including center projection at stair access.

4-H-12-HZ Approved

4-I-12-HZ Approved

4-J-12-HZ Approved