November 2015
Historic Zoning Commission
Meeting Information

Below is the monthly archive for the November 2015 Historic Zoning Commission meeting, including the agenda, meeting minutes, and the recording of the meeting.

Agenda Minutes

Actions from the November 2015, meeting

10-F-15-HZ Approved

Install wood slat panel as screening for utilities at 118
1)Replace deteriorated early metal cornice with a matching wooden one at 108
2) Install two storefront windows with wood trim and wood base panels at 118 to match existing adjacent in place of the roll-up metal door
3) Provide concrete accessible ramp, both sides of doorway at 118 to meet ADA and prevent water pooling at entrance. Clean & scarify exist concrete surface prior to installation.
4) Replace non-orignal wood door at 118 with wood door of similar configuration. (Staff to approve final door specifications)

11-B-15-HZ Approved

11-C-15-HZ Approved

11-E-15-HZ Approved with Conditions

Replace existing garage door with Coachman Collection TOP13 or Grand Harbor Series One steel overhead door with "SQ" glass windows across the top panels. Finish of garage door to be smooth finish, without faux wood grain.

11-F-15-HZ Approved as Modified

Install two double-sided painted metal signs. Profile of sign to mimic historic parapet shape over main door. 15 s.f. per side, 2 sides, equal 30 s.f. per sign. Located at each end of new driveway -- one perpendicular to Deadrick Avenue and one perpendicular to Arthur Street.

11-G-15-HZ Approved with Conditions