Historic Zoning Commission

Jackson Avenue H-1-continued: Level II


Staff Recommendation


Applicant Request

Level II. Major repair or replacement of materials or architectural elements
Architectural feature; Doors

Install wood slat panel as screening for utilities at 118
1)Replace deteriorated early metal cornice with a matching wooden one at 108
2) Install two storefront windows with wood trim and wood base panels at 118 to match existing adjacent in place of the roll-up metal door
3) Provide concrete accessible ramp, both sides of doorway at 118 to meet ADA and prevent water pooling at entrance Clean & scarify exist concrete surface prior to installation.
4) Replace non-orignal wood door at 118 with wood door of similar configuration.

Site Info

Rennaissance Revival; brick commercial (c. 1900)

Two-story multi-bay brick turn-of-the-century commercial structures with heavy wooden cornice or brick parapet.

1) The wood slat utilities screen will not be permanent part of the structure and will help to obsurce the utility meter panel on the front of building 118.
2) The metal roll-up door at 118 is not original, and although no documentary photos have been found, the filling of the opening with storefront to match the existing is an appropriate and will be more pedestrian friendly by making the façade more transparent. No historic material will be destroyed.
3) The early metal cornice on 108 to be removed is highly deteriorated, but its scale and design are appropriate. The new wood cornice will match the profile of the metal one since no documentation has been found exhibiting the design of the original cornice. Thisis the only historic fabric to be removed.
4) The wood door at 118 is not original, but the style is appropriate for the building, so the new door will be similar to the existing.
5) No currently unpainted brick will be painted.


Leigh Leigh Burch - Old City Amigos Old City Amigos

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
118 E Jackson Ave

Leigh Leigh Burch - Old City Amigos Old City Amigos