April 2010
Historic Zoning Commission
Meeting Information

Below is the monthly archive for the April 2010 Historic Zoning Commission meeting, including the agenda, meeting minutes, and the recording of the meeting.

Agenda Minutes

Actions from the April 2010, meeting

4-A-10-HZ Approved

4-B-10-HZ Approved

4-C-10-HZ Partially approved partially

4-D-10-HZ Approved

4-E-10-HZ Approved

4-F-10-HZ Approved as Modified

Modification to accommodate tenants dated 3//8/2011: The two windows to be renovated are in a
corridor and are on the second floor on the west elevation. They are to the left of the elevator.

4-G-10-HZ Approved

4-H-10-HZ Approved

4-I-10-HZ Approved

Final date for installation of seond third of wood windows and wood trim amended to 1/25/2012 after Minutes preparation.

5-F-10-HZ Approved