February 2020
Design Review Board
Meeting Information

Below is the monthly archive for the February 2020 Design Review Board meeting, including the agenda, meeting minutes, and the recording of the meeting.

Agenda Minutes

Actions from the February 2020, meeting

2-A-20-DT Approve as requested

APPROVE Certifice 2-A-20-DT as submitted.

2-B-20-DT Approve as requested

APPROVE Certificate 2-B-20-DT as submitted.

2-D-20-DT Approve a modification of the application

APPROVE Certificate 2-D-20-DT for the renovation of the existing building as submitted and the rear addition as submitted and attached to the agenda (Option 1) and the amended addition design submitted to the Board by the applicant at Board meeting (Option 2) [the Board approved both options for the addition].