Historic Zoning Commission

Ft. Sanders NC-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the work as proposed, with the following condition: the newly constructed wall section (the 19'-7" section and the 15.2' addition) be constructed at a minimum of 3' from the property line, with windows of matching sizes to be installed in the spaces labeled "bathroom 1" and "bathroom 2."

Applicant Request

Level II. Major repair or replacement of materials or architectural elements
Additions; Other: Demolition

Applicant is requesting approval of demolition of 19'-7" of the house to the rear, reconstruction of the 19'-7" section, and an additional 15.2' rear addition. The width of the addition will be 21', leaving a 1' offset on either side of the hosue to delineate the addition. The shed roofline on the existing 19'-7" middle section will be reconstructed as a gable roof to allow for a proper slope and better water drainage. Windows with shutters will be installed where existing windows were previously located (see example from 1618 Forest Avenue).

Site Info

Queen Anne cottage, c.1900

One-story, cross-gable roof residence with an asphalt shingle roof and a continuous brick foundation. Exterior is clad in vinyl siding. Façade (north) features a full-length hipped porch, supported by square wood posts with wooden brackets. Porch wraps aorund east elevation. Entry is located recessed from the façade on the central side-gable roof massing. Interior brick chimney, centrally located on the front gable ridgeline.

1. The house is a contributing structure in the Fort Sanders NC-1 District.

2. The ordinance for an NC-1 district declares the third purpose of the NC-1 overlay as "to regulate demolition." Thus, proposed demolition of additions over 50 years old on a structure that contributes to an NC-1 district must be reviewed by the Historic Zoning Commission. The applicant is proposing an additional demolition to approximately 19' of the rear of the structure. This demolition was not included in the original COA.

3. The proposed addition will be located at the rear of the building, and will be offset to distinguish it from the original structure. It will be compatible with massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the original structure.

4. At the August 2019 HZC meeting, extensive discussion occurred regarding 1616 Forest Avenue, and the adjacent house, 1614 Forest Avenue. The applicant has described both houses as "identical." The Commission identified the need for windows on both properties' west elevations, to avoid creating a long wall with no transparency. For the adjacent 1614 Forest Avenue, the Commission recommended the west elevation walls be constructed at minimum 3' away from the property line, with two windows of matching sizes installed in the spaces described on the plan as Bathroom 1 and Bathroom 2.

5. City Plans Review and Inspections staff verified that windows cannot be installed if they are less than 3' away from the property line.


John John Holmes

Planning Staff
Lindsay Crockett
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.crockett@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
1616 Forest Ave. 37916

John John Holmes