Historic Zoning Commission

Concord Village HZ: Level III


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the new construction with the condition that 1) if a chimney is constructed, it will be of brick rather than sided, 2) 1/1 double-hung windows will be utilized throughout the house as indicated on the front elevation.

Applicant Request

Level III. Construction of new primary building
Other: New construction

Construct one-story side-gabled (8/12 roof pitch) house with front entry garage. Dimensions to be 40x40 with a projecting shed-roofed, half-façade front porch measuring 20 feet-8 inches long by 8 feet-4 inches deep. Set of twin double-hung windows on the front porch. Three gabled window dormers in front pitch of roof. Sheathed in fiber cement board with roof of asphalt shingles. 1/1 metal-clad windows. Six-light wood door. Brick foundation. Steel garage door to appear as carriage house doors. Concrete driveway.

Site Info

vacant lot

1. Third Drive streetscape does not exhibit a consistent pattern of development. The streetscape is lined with large lots and undeveloped property. In this way, it differs substantially from the earlier, more dense pattern of Concord Village that is closer to Lakeview Drive.
2. The house to the adjacent right is a one-story 1930s brick cottage and the house to the adjacent left is a larger two-story frame farmhouse style.
3. Due to this variation in style and the lack of a distinctive streetscape pattern, there isgreater flexibility in the style and form of the house.
4. The proposed frame materials, as well as the foundation and overall height are not incompatible with the context.
5. The style of the proposed 1/1 windows and carriage house garage doors are not incompatible with the context.
6. It would be more appropriate for the garage door to be located on the side of the house rather than being front-facing.
7. If the garage door was located on the left or west side of the house, it would necessitate the house being moved downhill to the east side of the lot.
8. The lot slopes off heavily to the east -- a topography which would then result in a very high foundation on that side of the house.
9. The front of the house will be set back 130 feet from the road; therefore, the front-facing garage door will not be close to the street. The side setbacks of 30 feet each are not incompatible since there is no distiguishable pattern of development.
10. A chimney sheathed in siding is not appropriate within the context.


David David Coleman

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827
Email: mike.reynolds@knoxplanning.org
Location Knox County
10721 Third Dr 37934

Kim Kim Coleman