Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the proposal.

Applicant Request

Level II. Construction of addition

Construct a 9x12 porch of 2x4 frame construction on rear of house. Shed roof to have a 2/12 pitch and be sheathed in dimensional asphalt shingles to match those on main house. The porch will not be directly accessible from the main house. The structure will have 9 double-hung windows with 4 being on the rear, 3 on the south side, and 2 on the north side along with a wood-framead door with glasspanels on the top and bottom. The exterior siding will be beveled poplar and the trim will be 1x3.5 wood. Treated wood siding will sheathe the elevations as far as allowed by the building code and the formerly proposed brick foundation is not required.

Site Info

Queen Ann (c. 1895)

Two-story frame with weatherboard walls. Hip roof with lower cross gables, stylized wood louvered diamond-shaped attic vent. Two-over-two double-hung windows.

1. The addition will not be seen from directly in front of the house and when approaching on Deery from the east.

2. About 75% of the addition would be visible when approaching the house from the north on Deery Street (Currently a privacy fence is installed that would screen 90% of it.).

3.From the intersection of Lovenia and Luttrel avenuesl, the view of the addition would be very limited due to the short height of the addition.

4. The addition will not destroy historically significant fabric, and may be removed in the future without doing so.

5. The proposed wooden materials for the addition are compatible with those of the main house.

6. The walls of the addition are proposed to be offset from the main walls of the house so as to be distinguished from the main block.

7. The dimensions of the one-story addition are an appropriate scale and do not overwhelm the back of the house or lot.


Doug and Renee Doug and Renee Hewitt

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
822 Deery St 37917

Doug and Renee Doug and Renee Hewitt