Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the proposal.

Applicant Request

Level II. Major repair or replacement of materials or architectural elements
Doors; Windows; Other: repair rear steps and landing

Re-install original windows (found in the house) into original openings based on physical evidence and documentary photos. Replace plywood cladding with siding to match original. The rear steps will be repaired in-kind with sawn balustrade to match existing.

Replacement of the existing exterior door and vertical siding on rear basement level with a painted steel Craftsman-style overhead door with side-opening appearance (specs as sumitted) in the original opening.

Site Info

Craftsman (1921-1930)

One-and-a-half-story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Side-gable roof with front shed dormer, knee braces and asphalt shingle covering. Double- hung six-over-one and eight-over-one windows with six-light casement windows in dormer. One-story three-quarter recessed front porch with brick posts on brick piers. Interior end brick chimney. Brick foundation. Irregular plan.

1) The house is a contributing structure within the Old North Knoxville H1 Overlay as well as the National Register Historic District.

2) The size and shape of the existing opening, which is framed out and infilled with vertical T-111 boards, indicate that there was an early or original garage door in the opening.

3) The garage door opening is only visible from an unimproved alleyway on the north side of the house.

4) The proposed garage door has a side-opening carriage house door appearance which is appropriate for a Craftsman-style house. It is proposed to have a painted finish the color of the siding so that it will blend in more with the rear façade.


Nathan Nathan Kelly

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
1318 Armstrong Ave 37917

Nathan Nathan Kelly