Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the rear window dormer and the rear deck. The proposed porch posts are approved only if replacement posts have been previously approved by the HZC for 1605 Forest Avenue in the Fort Sanders NC-1. Then the formerly existing posts from 1605 Forest may be re-used at 401 E. Oklahoma Avenue.

Applicant Request

Level II. Construction of dormer and deck additions; installation of porch posts
Additions; Deck; Porch; Other: Add dormer

DORMER: The rear dormer will match the size and construction of the one approved at the sister house to the adjacent north at 405 E Oklahoma. The main houses and rooflines are identical to each other. The gabled dormer will be offset 1 ft from the existing roof peak and will match the pitch of the existing roof. The dormer will include a 28x48 casement window to meet egress requirements, with 2/2 or 1/1 muntins, whichever is most historically appropriate.

REAR DECK: A low rear deck is proposed. The proposed size of the deck is 10' by 20'. The deck will have at most one step at most. Since the height of the deck will be below 30", no railings will be required by the building code. Deck boarding to be 5/4 x 6 treated pine decking.

PORCH: After searching for suitable turned replacement posts, I have found a complete matching set of whole and half posts that match the time period. They are in poor condition and will require many hours to restore, but they can be restored to a good condition. Although they do not match the existing embedded porch post exactly, they are a match for the time period and style that would be appropriate. The turned posts are from 1605 Forest Avenue in Fort Sanders NC-1 which is being renovated, and they are unsuitable for reuse at that property due to their deteriorated condition and incompatibility with current building code railing heights. There are 3 full and 2 half posts. Replacement at 401 E. Oklahoma would require 3 full posts and 1 half post to have all matching posts. The remaining unused half posts would be donated to the Knox Heritage Salvage Shop.

Site Info

Queen Anne Cottage (c. 1910)

One-story frame with hipped roof with cross gables. Asbestos shingled wallcovering. Asphalt shingle roof covering and imbricated wood shingles in gable ends. Double-hung one-over-one windows with cottage window on front façade. One-story one-half front porch with replacement metal roof supports. Two interior offset brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Projecting bay on north elevation. (Contributing)

1) The house is a contributing resource in the Old North Knox H-1 Overlay and the National Register Historic District.

2) The house to the adjacent north at 401 E. Oklahoma is a "sister" or mirror-image house to the subject house.

3) A dormer as proposed was was found to be appropriate by the HZC for 401 E. Oklahoma; therefore, staff belives the same type of dormer is appropriate for the subject house at 405 E. Oklahoma.

4) The window proposed for the dormer will have a double-hung appearance and is appropriate as either a 1/1 window or 2/2 muntined window.

5) The proposed rear deck is to have a very low profile since it will be less than 30 inches above the ground with only one step and will not require a railing or balustrade; therefore, it will not detract from the rear features of the house.

6) The proposed TYPE of turned wooden porch posts are an appropriate replacement for the existing non-original scrolled metal posts. Although they do not match exactly, the design is similar enough to be compatible with that of the existing engaged post.


David David Holmes

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
401 E Oklahoma Ave 37917

David David Holmes