Plan Amendment

North County Sector Plan Amendment


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

Adopt Resolution #4-E-16-SP, amending the North County Sector Plan to GC (General Commercial) and Streat Protection and recommend Knox County Commission also approve the sector plan amendment subject to conditions for the rezoning.

See case notes below



Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Details of Action


1. As the property is developed, the following landscaping shall be installed within six (6) months of the issuance of a final CO (Certificate of Occupancy) for any building(s):
A landscape strip with an average width of 10 feet and a minimum width of 7 feet shall be provided between the development and any street or road, including internal access streets or roads. The landscape strip shall be planted with one large maturing tree per 40 linear feet or one small maturing tree per 30 linear feet. Trees may be grouped provided that the minimum distance between trees is 10 feet and the maximum distance between trees is 60 feet.
2. Parking areas shall be buffered from roads, streets, and adjacent property with a continuous row of shrubs, with a minimum height at maturity of 30 inches and a minimum height when planted of 12 inches, planted in a landscape strip with a minimum width of 5 feet. This buffer may be combined with and located within the street tree planting area described above.
3. Parking areas shall be landscaped with 1 large maturing tree and 2 shrubs per 3,000 square feet of vehicular use area. The trees and shrubs shall be planted in landscape islands with a minimum area of 120 square feet per tree. A minimum of 50% of the required trees shall be located within the parking area and the remainder may be planted in the buffer area on the perimeter of the parking area. Up to 50% of the street trees described above may be counted toward the required parking lot trees.
4. Landscaping of the property can be installed in phases as portions of the property are developed. Landscaping shall be provided on those portions on the property on which the development is located.

Curb cuts providing access to development on the property shall be limited to three (3). One will be located on the eastern side of the property in the location of the existing driveway to the veterinary clinic, one between this drive and the residential-style structures located to the west, and one on the western-most side of the property.

To assure pedestrian access through the property, the following pedestrian amenities shall be provided as part of the development of the property:
1. A greenway easement shall be provided along Beaver Creek in a location and width acceptable to the Knox County Recreation Department.
2. Pedestrian connections in the form of sidewalks and/or trails shall be provided from the existing sidewalk located along W. Emory Road to the proposed greenway along Beaver Creek.
3. Pedestrian access shall be provided through parking areas to the front/main entrance of the buildings constructed on the property.

In an effort to assure that new buildings constructed on the property are compatible with the character of the Powell community, all new buildings shall be constructed to the following standards:
1. The street facing facades of all buildings shall be constructed of brick, stone, or other high quality masonry material, cementitious siding, or other high quality building material. No vinyl shall be used on the front fa?ade of any building.
2. A minimum of 30% of the first floor of the front facade of all retail buildings shall be windows, doors, or other form of glazing.

The approval of site and building plans for development of all or any portion of the property shall be through administrative review , with the Metropolitan Planning Commission staff having authority to approve the plans. Development plans may be submitted for all of the property, or any portion of the property if the development is undertaken in a phased manner. Any appeal of staff decisions will be considered by the Metropolitan Planning Commission at a public hearing.

Applicant Request


Property Information

Southeast side W. Emory Rd., southwest of Central Avenue Pike

Commission District 7
Census Tract 61.04

37 acres

North County

Land Use Designation? MU-CC and LDR

Currently on the Property
Vacant land and dwellings

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
ADOPT RESOLUTION #4-E-16-SP, amending the North County Sector Plan to GC (General Commercial) and recommend Knox County Commission also approve the sector plan amendment, to make it operative. (See resolution, Exhibit A.), subject to conditions below.

1. As the property is developed, the following landscaping shall be installed within six (6) months of the issuance of a final CO (Certificate of Occupancy) for any building(s):
A landscape strip with an average width of 10 feet and a minimum width of 7 feet shall be provided between the development and any street or road, including internal access streets or roads. The landscape strip shall be planted with one large maturing tree per 40 linear feet or one small maturing tree per 30 linear feet. Trees may be grouped provided that the minimum distance between trees is 10 feet and the maximum distance between trees is 60 feet.
2. Parking areas shall be buffered from roads, streets, and adjacent property with a continuous row of shrubs, with a minimum height at maturity of 30 inches and a minimum height when planted of 12 inches, planted in a landscape strip with a minimum width of 5 feet. This buffer may be combined with and located within the street tree planting area described above.
3. Parking areas shall be landscaped with 1 large maturing tree and 2 shrubs per 3,000 square feet of vehicular use area. The trees and shrubs shall be planted in landscape islands with a minimum area of 120 square feet per tree. A minimum of 50% of the required trees shall be located within the parking area and the remainder may be planted in the buffer area on the perimeter of the parking area. Up to 50% of the street trees described above may be counted toward the required parking lot trees.
4. Landscaping of the property can be installed in phases as portions of the property are developed. Landscaping shall be provided on those portions on the property on which the development is located.

Curb cuts providing access to development on the property shall be limited to three (3). One will be located on the eastern side of the property in the location of the existing driveway to the veterinary clinic, one between this drive and the residential-style structures located to the west, and one on the western-most side of the property.

To assure pedestrian access through the property, the following pedestrian amenities shall be provided as part of the development of the property:
1. A greenway easement shall be provided along Beaver Creek in a location and width acceptable to the Knox County Recreation Department.
2. Pedestrian connections in the form of sidewalks and/or trails shall be provided from the existing sidewalk located along W. Emory Road to the proposed greenway along Beaver Creek.
3. Pedestrian access shall be provided through parking areas to the front/main entrance of the buildings constructed on the property.

In an effort to assure that new buildings constructed on the property are compatible with the character of the Powell community, all new buildings shall be constructed to the following standards:
1. The street facing facades of all buildings shall be constructed of brick, stone, or other high quality masonry material, cementitious siding, or other high quality building material. No vinyl shall be used on the front fa?ade of any building.
2. A minimum of 30% of the first floor of the front facade of all retail buildings shall be windows, doors, or other form of glazing.

The approval of site and building plans for development of all or any portion of the property shall be through administrative review , with the Metropolitan Planning Commission staff having authority to approve the plans. Development plans may be submitted for all of the property, or any portion of the property if the development is undertaken in a phased manner. Any appeal of staff decisions will be considered by the Metropolitan Planning Commission at a public hearing.
Disposition Summary
Adopt Resolution #4-E-16-SP, amending the North County Sector Plan to GC (General Commercial) and Streat Protection and recommend Knox County Commission also approve the sector plan amendment subject to conditions for the rezoning.
Details of Action

1. As the property is developed, the following landscaping shall be installed within six (6) months of the issuance of a final CO (Certificate of Occupancy) for any building(s):
A landscape strip with an average width of 10 feet and a minimum width of 7 feet shall be provided between the development and any street or road, including internal access streets or roads. The landscape strip shall be planted with one large maturing tree per 40 linear feet or one small maturing tree per 30 linear feet. Trees may be grouped provided that the minimum distance between trees is 10 feet and the maximum distance between trees is 60 feet.
2. Parking areas shall be buffered from roads, streets, and adjacent property with a continuous row of shrubs, with a minimum height at maturity of 30 inches and a minimum height when planted of 12 inches, planted in a landscape strip with a minimum width of 5 feet. This buffer may be combined with and located within the street tree planting area described above.
3. Parking areas shall be landscaped with 1 large maturing tree and 2 shrubs per 3,000 square feet of vehicular use area. The trees and shrubs shall be planted in landscape islands with a minimum area of 120 square feet per tree. A minimum of 50% of the required trees shall be located within the parking area and the remainder may be planted in the buffer area on the perimeter of the parking area. Up to 50% of the street trees described above may be counted toward the required parking lot trees.
4. Landscaping of the property can be installed in phases as portions of the property are developed. Landscaping shall be provided on those portions on the property on which the development is located.

Curb cuts providing access to development on the property shall be limited to three (3). One will be located on the eastern side of the property in the location of the existing driveway to the veterinary clinic, one between this drive and the residential-style structures located to the west, and one on the western-most side of the property.

To assure pedestrian access through the property, the following pedestrian amenities shall be provided as part of the development of the property:
1. A greenway easement shall be provided along Beaver Creek in a location and width acceptable to the Knox County Recreation Department.
2. Pedestrian connections in the form of sidewalks and/or trails shall be provided from the existing sidewalk located along W. Emory Road to the proposed greenway along Beaver Creek.
3. Pedestrian access shall be provided through parking areas to the front/main entrance of the buildings constructed on the property.

In an effort to assure that new buildings constructed on the property are compatible with the character of the Powell community, all new buildings shall be constructed to the following standards:
1. The street facing facades of all buildings shall be constructed of brick, stone, or other high quality masonry material, cementitious siding, or other high quality building material. No vinyl shall be used on the front fa?ade of any building.
2. A minimum of 30% of the first floor of the front facade of all retail buildings shall be windows, doors, or other form of glazing.

The approval of site and building plans for development of all or any portion of the property shall be through administrative review , with the Metropolitan Planning Commission staff having authority to approve the plans. Development plans may be submitted for all of the property, or any portion of the property if the development is undertaken in a phased manner. Any appeal of staff decisions will be considered by the Metropolitan Planning Commission at a public hearing.

What's next?

After the Planning Commission
This Plan Amendment case in the County was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - June 11, 2016 has passed.

Knox County Commission

Case History