Historic Zoning Commission

Village of Concord HZ: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Approval of the rear addition as per submitted drawings with conditions that: 1) a half-light door be installed on east side instead of French door as noted on plans, 2) the exposed concrete slab foundation of the addition be parged, 3) raise the slab as high as possible to reduce appearance of slab.

Applicant Request

Level II. Construction of addition or outbuilding

Construct 20'x36' one-story rear, vinyl-clad addition on slab as indicated by submitted plans. Addition to be flush with easternmost projection and to project two feet from existnig façade on west side.

Site Info

Victorian Vernacular (c. 1880)

One-story frame house with weatherboard siding. Cross gable roof with asphalt shingle roof covering. Piered stone foundation fille in with concrete block. Picture window on front elevation. Boxed cornice with plain frieze. Diamond-shaped attic vents. Plain wood porch posts with sawn wood balustrade. Lattice work under porch. Additions. Rectangular plan. ( Contributing)

1) The addition may be removed in the future without undue harm to historic fabric to return the house to its original form.

2) The addition will not be highly visible from the street and will project only two feet on the west side. The east side addition will not project beyond the easternmost portion of the house. Therefore, the proposal meets the guideline which states: "New additions shall be located at the rear or on an inconspicuous side of a historic building." The east side of the house has an existing later addition.

3) The new addition is designed so that it is differentiated from the original due to its projections on each side. It is not flush with the facades of the existing house.

4) The proposed materials of vinyl and asphalt shingle will match those on the existing house. The existing foundation is concrete block infilling between stone piers.

5) The cross-gabled configuration of the addition will help to break up the length of the house as seen from the side.

6) The existing windows on the rear of the house where the addition is planned will be re-installed on the west side of the house; therefore, they will match existing. The existing windows are vinyl replacement windows.

7) The Concord Design Guidelines do not prohibit vinyl siding or windows, or a concrete patio (prposed for east side).

8) The configuration of the proposed windows and side-gable louvered attic vents match existing.

9) The proposed half-light door for the east side is more appropriate for the era of house than the existing six- paneled door on the west side of the house. A single-light door would be appropriate as well since it would be a simple, more modern statement for the new addition.

10) The changes to the original house including vinyl siding, smaller vinyl windows, concrete block foundation, a side addition, covering of the diamond-shaped attic vent and a replacement lattice balustrade create changes in appearance that render the house to be noncontributing to the district.

11) The architect for the project states that the grade of the property prevents the addition from being built on a crawl-space. A declining grade exists behind the house, and the foundation on the rear of the existing house has little foundation exposed due to its being built into the hillside.


Sarah Sarah Taylor

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827
Email: mike.reynolds@knoxplanning.org
Location Knox County
10725 Lake Ridge Dr 37934

Michael and Linda Michael and Linda Pitts