Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City H-1: Level IV


Staff Recommendation

Approval to demolish severely deteriorated structure based on its assessed condition by Code Enforcement as a danger to the public safety of the adjacent property owners, surrounding neighborhood, and potentially to citizens at large.

Applicant Request

Level IV. Demolition or relocation of contributing structure

Demolition of building assessed by Neighborhood Code Enforcement Officer as public safety hazard.

Site Info

Folk Victorian (c. 1905)

One-story frame with asbestos siding and asphalt tile roofing. L-shaped plan with side-gabled main roof and intersecting front gable. Later-added battered stone porch columns. One-over-one double-hung windows. Two interior brick chimneys. Brick foundation with concrete slab front porch.

1) The deed for the property indicate that the property was purchased in 1996 by owner/occupants of another house on Jefferson Avenue. The house was owned by BCD Properties of Alcoa, TN from December 2011 and January 2012.

2) The owner/applicants who bought the property in February 2012 received COA approval from the HZC in that month to restore the house to original appearance as much as possible utilizing materials to match those of the main house or that are period-appropriate. Also, to re-enclose rear porch with siding and roofing to match main block of house. Conditioned as follows:
Utilize asphalt roof shingles rather than corrugated metal roofing based on precedent in the streetscape and the neighborhood; Repair the original front door rather than replace as recommended by Entry Guidelines.

3) The issuance of a COA (for which the approval period is for 2 years ending 2-16-2014) facilitated the obtainment of a building permit to make needed repairs. The owner/applicant pulled a building permit in February 2012 for roof replacement only, but did not commence the work.

4) Under new ownership via a gift deed to an out-of-town recipient in May 2012, deterioration of the house has accelerated severely in the past year, given the lack of a sound roof contributing to that deterioration.

5) At some point over the last year, the non-original roofed porch on the rear was removed, and at the location of this porch, the back wall is missing and the interior is exposed.

6) The Better Building Board is requesting demolition based on the Neighborhood Code Enforcement Officer's Inpection Report dated 1-23-2012 (see attached) declaring that the structure is deteriorated, delapidated, damaged, unsound, and unfit for human habitation. The report states that "The building is a shell, the rear wall is missing, and the structural support damaged. The building is a danger."

7) The condition of this contributing structure had met the standard for application of the demolition-by-neglect ordinance, which is proactive preservation tool for allowing for the City's early intervention to save such structures. However, the City does not have the staffing or budget resources to implement this tool for every case that is warranted, and must prioritize which for structures limited resources are utilized.


Better Building Board Better Building Board City of Knoxville, - Robert Moyers Robert Moyers

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
2106 Jefferson Ave 37917

Gary Gary Harris