Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends denial of the vinyl replacement windows.

Applicant Request

Level II. Major repair or replacement of materials or architectural elements
Masonry repair/painting; Porch elements; Roofing; Siding; Windows

Replace rotted siding in-kind, as needed
Replace asphalt roof shingles in-kind
Repoint brick foundation according to Preservation Technical Brief #9
Repair original front and back doors
Repair or replicate deteriorated wood features on front porch

Replace non-original windows with vinyl one-over-one double-hung windows on all sides of the house.

Site Info

Queen Anne. (c. 1895)

Two-story frame with weatherboard wallcovering. Hipped roof with lower cross-gables, asphalt shingle roof covering, and heavy front bargeboard.
One-story one-half front porch with chamfered wood columns with sawn wood trim. Brick foundation. One interior offset brick chimney. Irregular plan.

1) The original one-over-one windows were replaced by a previous owner prior to historic district establishment.
2) The current owner/applicant obtained a building permit for general repairs, but not for window replacement which occurred last month.
3) The current replacement windows are the appropriate configuration for the house: one-over-one double-hung. They are installed in original openings.
4) The applicant asserts that wooden windows would need to be custom-made, and has relayed the price of one estimate to staff. As a policy, the HZC and staff have typically asked for 3 estimates.
5)The Fourth and Gill Design Guidelines state that vinyl windows are not appropriate. The HZC has not found vinyl windows to be an adequate simulation of wood windows.


Jaime Jaime Huffaker

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827
Email: mike.reynolds@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
622 Deery St 37917

Jaime Jaime Huffaker