Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Approval with the condition that a finish/trim detail for the floor of the front porch and steps be submitted to staff for approval, as well as a specification for the storage room door that opens out onto the rear deck.

Applicant Request

Level II. Revise plans (5-10-17) for construction of primary building
Other: Revised construction plans 4-11-17

Revise one-and-a-half-story, 30-foot-high Craftsman house to a one-story, ~25- foot-high Craftsman house
Eliminate 2nd-level gable on each end and revise to hipped roof. Revise roof of front dormer from a gable to shed roof
Revise foundation from crawl space to slab construction, retaining approved height of foundation
Increase width of gabled projection by ~3 feet on southeast side and reduce length of porte cochere by ~3 feet
Replace double-hung window facing porch on northwest side by half to create square 3/1 window
Add two square 3/1windows to the rear storage room wall and one on the northwest elevation
Eliminate one double-hung window on northwest elevation toward the front
Add new full-sized 3/1 double-hung window on southeast elevation
Re-locate rear storage room entry to northwest side and add new four-foot-wide opening onto rear deck as specified
Revise front porch flooring material from wood tongue-and-groove to flagstone with brick fascia and surround
Revise front step material to flagstone treads with brick base and surround

Site Info

Proposed Craftsman style ( 2017)

Construct one-story Craftsman on vacant lot.

Scale and Massing
1. The massing of the proposed house does not relate to that of the adjacent Queen Ann houses on each side and others on the street. The main block is wider than the projecting front-gabled portions. However, there is no consistent pattern of massing on either side of this block of Deery Street.

2.The main roof pitch (6/12) of the proposed house is not as high as that of the Queen Anne houses on each side which are 10/12 and 12/12. However, both sides of Deery Street exhibit a variety of roof pitches.

3) There are streetscapes throughout the district which exhibit variation in house form. If the proposed one-story massing is to be found as appropriate, approval would need be based on the fact that this house is an example that alludes to the existing height and massing anomalies in the 800-block of Deery.

Height of Foundations and Stories
1) The proposed height to the peak (25'), although lower than that of the houses on either side (35') , is within the height range of houses on the street.

2) The height of the foundation, although proposed to be slab construction, is similar to those of nearby houses.

1) The 3/1 double-hung wood windows are appropriate for the Craftman style. The proposed square 3/1 windows are characteristic of the Craftsman style and are appropriately placed.


Raymond Raymond Morrow

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
817 Deery St 37917

Raymond Raymond Morrow