Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Approval of the addition including both Options 1 and 3 for the bathroom window.

Applicant Request

Level II. Construction of addition
Additions; Roofing

Construct an addition on the back of the house to restore a bathroom and porch which were originally existing, as indicated by plans for this house in the Barber Catalog: Modern Dwellings floor plan (1901 edition, Design 265). The room and porch are also depicted in elevation in a 1900s photograph.
The proposed building materials are wood siding, wood windows, and asphalt shingle roofing. The proposed wooden turned porch posts and gable shingles resemble those of the front porch The hip-and-gabled addition design and 8/12 pitch will match those of the roof of the main house. There is an Option 1proposal for the bathroom window to a "bullet-glass" window on the addition underneath the rear porch roof, and an Option 2 proposal for siding and a wood-framed transom light.

Site Info

Queen Anne cottage (c. 1890)

One-and-one-half-story frame with weatherboard wallcovering. Hip roof with lower cross gabled front dormer, sawn wood bargeboard with pendant, asphalt shingled roof covering. Nine-over-six-light windows in gables, 1/1 double-hung windows on remainder of house. One-story front and side wrap-around porch with bellcast porch roof, curved ornamental half-timbering in front gable, narrow wood porch columns, front-facing brackets with applied sunburst design with brackets creating segmental arches. Two interior offset brick chimeys. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Designed by George Barber.

1) The Queen Anne house is a contributing structure in the Fourth and Gill H-1 Historic District.

2) The floor plans for this house shown in the Barber Catalog: Modern Dwellings floor plan (1901 edition, Design 265) indicate the back porch and bathroom were originally intended to be a part of the design of the house.

3) A 1980s photograph indicates the bathroom structure was extant at that time; however, the porch sections appears to be enclosed.

4) The rear of the house had been altered in years previous to the current ownership first by the enclosure of the porch and then by the removal of the bathroom and porch.

5) The proposed building materials of wood siding, wood windows, and asphalt shingle roofing are compatible with those the main house.

6) The proposed wooden turned porch posts and gable shingles resemble, but do not copy, those ont the front of the house, and are appropriate for a George Barber-designed house.

7) The hip-and-gabled addition design and 8/12 pitch are compatible with the roof of the main house.

8) The Option 1 proposed bullet-glass window on the addition underneath the rear porch roof will not be visible from the street, and adds an appropriate and distinguishing contemporary element which is not incompatible with the design of the main house. The Option 2 proposal for siding and a wood-framed transom light is also appropriate for a compatible design of the addition.


Teresa Teresa Matthews

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
703 Luttrell St 37917

Teresa Teresa Matthews