Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Approval with an initial mock-up of the double top-rail design provided for staff review and approval on-site with condition that balcony balusters match the height of the existing porch balusters.

Applicant Request

Level II. Major repair or replacement of materials or architectural elements
Porch elements

Replace non-original wood sided balustrade on second-level balcony with 2-inch (actual size) wooden turned balusters similar to those on first-level porch.
Construct balustrade with guard rail at 36 inches maximum from the porch floor to the top of the rail and to match the design of the existing lower-level porch top and bottom rails. The square tops and bases of the proposed balusters will be trimmed as needed in order to achieve the 36-inch height from the floor.

Site Info

Queen Anne (c. 1910)

Two-story frame wihtr aluminum siding. Hip roof with lower cross-gables and asphalt shingle covering. Double-hung 2/2 windows with multi-light bordered Queen Ann-style windows within the canted front bay. One-story two-thirds front porch with wood columns with Doric capitals. Interior offset brick chimney. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. (Contributing)

1) The c. 1910 Queen Anne house is a contributing resource within the Old North Knox H-1 Historic District.

2) Although the balauster on the first level are not original based on 1990s file photographs, they are appropriate for the style of the house.

3) The proposed balusters are consistent with those on historic porches in the neighborhood and appropriate for the style and era of the house.

4) The 2-inch width of the baluster proposed for the balcony matches the 2.5" width of the existing lower-level porch baluster sufficiently as viewed from ground-level. The two balustrades are sufficiently far apart such that the two sizes of balusters will not appear mis-matched.

5) The existing first-level porch railing is 30 inches high. The balusters are 21'-5"inches high. The double top-rail design will reduce the apparent height of the proposed balustrade and create a more historically appropriate appearance of proportion by allowing the balcony balusters to be the same height as the porch balusters.


Margaret Margaret Lon-Britton

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
303 E Oklahoma Ave 37917

Margaret Margaret Lon-Britton