August 2015
Historic Zoning Commission
Meeting Information

Below is the monthly archive for the August 2015 Historic Zoning Commission meeting, including the agenda, meeting minutes, and the recording of the meeting.

Agenda Minutes

Actions from the August 2015, meeting

8-A-15-HZ Approved

Construct foundation using original bricks from 1302 White Avenue for front as much as possible and fill with bricks to match in size and texture. Mortar to meet the recommendations of National Park Service Preservation Brief #2. Sides and rear to have a parged block foundation with smooth finish and no design or pattern. Finished floor elevation of porch and house to visually align with the adjacent north house. Front steps to be constructed of wood with balustrade to match that of the front porch. Original rectangular cut stone retaining wall to be reinstalled along Clinch Avenue and corner masonry steps to be repaired. Concrete retaining wall along paved parking area at rear. Mock-up of the brick foundation and concrete retaining wall to be approved by staff.

8-B-15-HZ Approved as Modified

The two clerestory light wells may be retained with reconstruction with the conditions that the final roof is flat or slightly sloped and matching the pre-existing height, that the windows as viewed from Summit Avenue have a similar trim and window pane division as had pre-existed, and that the other three windows on each dormer may retain the arch as currently constructed.

8-C-15-HZ Approved

8-D-15-HZ Approved

8-E-15-HZ Approved

8-G-15-HZ Approved

8-H-15-HZ Approved

8-J-15-HZ Approved

8-K-15-HZ Approved