September 2014
Historic Zoning Commission
Meeting Information

Below is the monthly archive for the September 2014 Historic Zoning Commission meeting, including the agenda, meeting minutes, and the recording of the meeting.

Agenda Minutes

Actions from the September 2014, meeting

10-A-14-HZ Approved with conditions

Construct penthouse and roof deck with balustrade on rooftop. Location of the balustrade or any other features, including the penthouse must be field verified so as not to be seen from the ground level of the Market Square Historic District.

9-B-14-HZ Approved

9-C-14-HZ Approved

9-D-14-HZ Approved as Modified

Construct wood-framed 8x12 side-gabled accessory structure in rear yard. Siding to be board and batten. Doors to be vertical wooden boards. Side-gables and front entry gable to have straight-edged horizontal wood siding rather than irregular-edged cedar siding as shown. Windows to be salvaged wood true-divided light. Pitch of asphalt-shingled roof to be 14/12 to match the front gable of the house with walls being 8 feet tall. Shed to be located away from Gratz Street right-of-way to the extent possible that will not harm mature tree roots.

9-E-14-HZ Approved