April 2020
Design Review Board
Meeting Information

Below is the monthly archive for the April 2020 Design Review Board meeting, including the agenda, meeting minutes, and the recording of the meeting.

Agenda Minutes Video

Actions from the April 2020, meeting

4-A-20-DT Approve as requested

APPROVE Certificate 4-A-20-DT as submitted.

4-B-20-DT Approve subject to conditions

APPROVE Certificate 4-B-20-DT subject to the following conditions:

1) Meeting the requirements of the City of Knoxville Department of Engineering.
2) Obtaining approval from the City of Knoxville to install and maintain the planting area and bus shelter within the public ROW.
3) If the planting area in the ROW cannot be installed as proposed, the applicant must submit a revised plan to screen the parking lot from the adjacent public sidewalk.