December 2015
Design Review Board
Meeting Information

Below is the monthly archive for the December 2015 Design Review Board meeting, including the agenda, meeting minutes, and the recording of the meeting.

Agenda Minutes

Actions from the December 2015, meeting

11-A-15-DT Approve subject to conditions

APPROVE Certificate 11-A-15-DT, allowing construction of retaining wall "Option A" (see attached) along the south property line, subject to the following conditions: 1) Meeting all requirements of Knoxville's zoning ordinance and land development standards, and 2) Extend the sidewalk along S. Broadway to the Hill Avenue intersection if determined necessary and feasible by Knoxville's Department of Engineering.

11-C-15-DT Approve as requested

APPROVE Certificate 11-C-15-DT as submitted.

12-A-15-DT Approve as requested

APPROVE Certifiate 12-A-15-DT as submitted.

12-C-15-DT Approve as requested

APPROVE Certificate 12-C-15-DT as submitted, revising the previously approved CoA 10-D-15-DT.

12-D-15-DT Approve subject to conditions

APPROVE Certificate 12-D-15-DT, revising the previously approved CoA 3-A-15-DT, subject to the following conditions: 1) Provide a minimum of one shade tree within or adjacent to the parking lot. 2) Screening shall be provided between the surface parking lot and the Jackson Avenue sidewalk as previously approved (3-A-15-DT), or as modified and determined by staff to be in-keeping with the approved plans and the design guidelines. 3) Remove the wood fencing on top of the concrete screen wall for the portion that is perpendicular to the sidewalk and parallel to south side of the brewhouse (where the recessed patio gate is located); or revise the wood fence for this short segment to be more transparent and reviewed by staff.

12-A-15-IH Approved

12-B-15-IH Approved

12-C-15-IH Approved

12-A-15-IH Approved

12-B-15-IH Approved

12-C-15-IH Approved