Historic Zoning Commission



Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Proposed changes are consistent with the Secretary of Interior's Standards adopted for this property.

Applicant Request

Guttering; Masonry repair/painting; Mechanical system unit; Parking lot or driveway paving; Roofing; Windows

Add second story on bay on south elevation. (NOTE: Included in original plans by Barber; to be built as originally designed). Site plan including rear patio, parking lot on west elevation. HVAC units on rooftop and west elevation. Replace window sashes as needed, replicating original pattern of panes with divided lights. Brick dumpster screen wall. New roof (combination flat and asphalt shingle). Repairing masonry. Gutter repair. New sign to mimic existing in size and location. Wrought iron rail around roof terrace on north wing, west side to match existing historic railing on stairs on north side. Add skylights on north wing if requested by eventual owners (NOTE: Skylights will not extend higher than parapet wall). MODIFICATIONS APPROVED AT 8/19/2004 HZC MEETING: 1) Roof of two story bay to be metal; 2) Sidewalks to be constructed with river sand mix; 3) Landscaping plan to be submitted to and approved by HZC prior to submission to Plans Review.

Site Info

Colonial Revival (1913; 1926)

Two story brick building. Six light wood double doors for north entry, topped with arched transom. Half view entry door on east wing and monumental concrete stairs on the north elevation of the east wing. Entry to original building on east elevation removed. Flat roofed section on the east and two story section with raised basement to the rear. Gymnasium to west with front facing gable roof and gabled portico. Limestone quoins, brick water table, dentil molding, keystones and limestone sills highlight the buildings. Wood double hung windows throughout the building, some twelve over twelve, nine over nine, eight over eight and fifteen over fifteen. Brick chimneys at entry to gymnasium and at the gable end of the south façade of the east wing. One story bay with paired six over eight double hung windows appears on the south façade of the east wing.

Modifications to entries were previously approved (Certificate 4303GEN).


David Dewhirst

Location Knoxville
1305 Luttrell St

David Dewhirst