Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H: Level I/II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 8-D-21-HZ, with the condition that new dimensional asphalt shingle roofing be a color that closely reflects the original roof color.

Applicant Request


Repair and repointing to left side exterior masonry chimney (all repair to use existing/matching bricks and appropriate mortar) - repair to match NPS Preservation Brief 2. Removal of non-historic right side interior chimney, which is not a character-defining feature, not supported by a fireplace or masonry structure below, very minimally visible from the street, and weight is detrimental to roof framing system. Replacement of low-slope porch roof (currently asphalt roll) with new TPO rubber roofing material. Removal of astro-turf porch flooring and repair or replacement in-kind to tongue-and-groove wood flooring below. Removal of non-historic window awning.

Replacement of the existing cement tile roof with a new GAF dimensional asphalt shingle roof.

Condition of approval per 8/19/21 HZC meeting: new dimensional asphalt shingle roofing be a color that closely reflects the original roof color.

Site Info

Neoclassical, c.1925

Two-story frame residence with a hipped roof clad in cement tile, an exterior of brick veneer, and a brick foundation. Façade features a one-story, full-length front porch with paired round fluted wood columns and a tunred wood balustrade. Double-hung six-over-six windows. Sidelights at front entry.

1. 1361 Armstrong Avenue is a contributing resource to the Old North Knoxville National Register Historic District and the local overlay.

2. In general, requests for replacement of original slate and cement tile roofs with asphalt or architectural shingles have been approved in Old North Knoxville, recognizing the ~100 year life span of the original roof materials, the difficulty of significant repairs, and the cost-prohibitive nature of replacing in kind. A recent comparable case was at 700 E. Scott (10-H-12-HZ), where the original cement tiles were approved to be replaced with dimensional asphalt shingles to match the existing closely in color.

3. The applicant has provided documentation of the roof's overall deterioration from a home inspector and a roofing contractor. There are photos of ceilings, especially in the second story, showing lasting moisture damage from previous leaks. Inspection report also includes moisture damage at the eaves, damaged sheathing and roof planks, and a plastic swimming pool used to collect leaking water in the attic.

4. The previous owner and family members completed a substantial amount of preventative maintenance to the existing roof, including patching in tiles, repair to sheathing, and replacing rear sections of cement tile with asphalt shingles and rubber roofing material.

5. Replacement with a new cement tile roof would be cost-prohibitive, totaling approximately $70-75,000 (citing the quote provided by the applicant).

6. ONK Guidelines note that roofing materials shall duplicate roofing materials originally found in the neighborhood, including asphalt shingles, slate, metal shingle, or tile roof coverings; should be a dark green, charcoal gray, black, or dark reddish brown to simulate the original roof colors; and that roofs visible from street shall retain their original shapes. The submitted material does meet these guidelines. The new roof material could use a color that reflects the roof's original color.


Danny Danny Downing

Planning Staff
Lindsay Crockett
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.crockett@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
1361 Armstrong Ave. 37917

Danny Danny Downing