Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE a 1, 1-1/2 or 2 story building for location on this vacant lot. Foundation height should match adjacent buildings. Foundation material should be parged or brick. Front and side setbacks should match adjacent houses.

Applicant Request

Other: Foundation and lot placement

Relocating threatened Victorian era house from Ft. Sanders Historic District that will be demolished by JPI, to vacant lot in the Old North Knoxville Historic District.

Site Info

Vacant lot

The owner of this lot has indicated an interest in receiving one of the Ft. Sanders houses slated for demolition by JPI. It has not been determined that any of the houses can be moved, and the design of a possible house for this lot has also not been determined. Knox Heritage is coordinating moving the houses with JPI, private owners and the city. This lot offers the possibility to save one of the houses, as well as removing the negative influence of a vacant lot in Old North Knoxville. If a house is located to move to this lot, it could be either a 1, 1-1/2 or 2 story house. The house to the west is a two story Victorian Gothic building; the house to the east of this lot is a 1 or 1-1/2 story building of Neoclassical design.

Moving a house is only recommended when there is no other alternative. For the houses acquired by JPI in Ft. Sanders, that is the case. Even though the house will lose its historic significance, its architecture will be preserved. Approval is recommended because the house will be lost to Ft. Sanders either through moving or through demolition, it is architecturally appropriate, and the historic overlay will provide it with some protection as it reacquires significance in its new location.


Chet Chet Kilgore

Location Knoxville
214 Leonard Pl

214 Leonard Place - South side of Leonard Place east of Luttrell Street

Joe Joe Black