Other Business


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

APPROVE the 2006-2007 MPC Application Fees and Deadline Schedule and the amendment to the Administrative Rules and Procedures to allow the recommended schedule adjustment.

See case notes below


Case Notes



Amendments to MPC's Administrative Rules and Procedures regarding MPC Meeting and Agenda deadlines and fees


Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
APPROVE the 2006-2007 MPC Application Fees and Deadline Schedule and the amendment to the Administrative Rules and Procedures to allow the recommended schedule adjustment.
The deadline adjustment will place the deadline on the same day of each month during the year and allow applicants to figure out the date without a MPC schedule. The fee increases are approximately 5% and continue to reflect approximately 50% of the actual staff review cost to the agency.
Disposition Summary
APPROVE the 2006-2007 MPC Application Fees and Deadline Schedule and the amendment to the Administrative Rules and Procedures to allow the recommended schedule adjustment.

Metropolitan Planning Commission

Case History