Historic Zoning Commission

Individual H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the proposed building signband signage as submitted based on the design guidelines for the property. Staff recommends denial of the pylon sign based on the design guidelines for the property.

Applicant Request

Level I. Installation of signage

Site Info

Federal -1851-- Neoclassical -- 1888

see attached designation report for the Major John Reynolds House a.k.a Knollwood.

1) The Home Trust Building is not historic. It fronts Kingston Pike below the elevation of the H-1 designated Major Reynolds House.

2) Due to the topographpy along Kingston Pike, the visibility of the current momument sign is limited from a somewhat longer distance east than are some, but not all other signs along the Pike when driving west.

3) The current sign on the bank building is non-illuminated. The proposed internally lit signage for the signband on the building meets the design guidelines for size. Internally lit signage is not recommended against in the design guidelines.

4) The proposed pylon sign does not meet the intent of the design guidelines for this property, nor is it similar to precedent for signage on the property.


Snyder Signs, Inc - Denise Hensley Denise Hensley

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
6501 Kingston Pk

Bearden Hill

Home Trust Bank