Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the work as proposed.

Applicant Request


Exterior rehabilitation elements necessary to create a finished attic space. On the façade, two gable vents will be replaced with casement windows. The existing façade gable fields features paired two-over-one, wood casement windows flanked by wood louvered vents; the two wood louvered vents will be replaced with new wood windows to match casements in size, profile, design, and material.

On the rear elevation, paired, single-light casement windows will be removed and the rear gable field will receive a bank of new wood windows with simulated divided lights, installed to fit within the gable field and eaves. The center pair of windows will measure 2'-4" wide by 4' tall each, and be operable casement windows. Trim will be painted wood, except for sections at bottom and adjacent to roof slopes where it will be smooth-finished PVC or fiber cement, painted to match the trim.

Site Info

Crafsman, c.1910

One-story frame residence with a front-gable roof clad in asphalt shingles, an exterior of brick veneer, and a brick foundation. Paired casement windows and flanking wood louvered vents in front gable, casements with Prairie transoms and sidelights on remainder of windows. One-story full front porch with porte cochere, brick posts on truncated brick piers. Exterior end brick chimney. Rectangular plan.

1. 914 Luttrell Street is a contributing resource to the Fourth and Gill National Register Historic District and local overlay.

2. The proposed modifications allow the applicant to create a finished attic space without necessitating additions to the roof slope such as new side dormers, which may not meet the design guidelines.

3. On the façade, the new windows will be modest in size and scale, fit within the existing fenestration, and match the existing windows in profile, dimension, and material. The façade already features a somewhat unique array of exterior windows. The façade windows could be removed and replaced with vents without effect on any character-defining features of the façade. The new windows are compatible with the Craftsman-style house.

4. Due to the narrow lot widths and the interior location of the house, modifications to the rear gable field will not be visible from the public right-of-way. On the rear elevation gable field, the single-light casements do not appear to be original to the house. The proposed fixed and casement wood windows are compatible with the overall design of the building, and complementary to the existing rear sunroom windows below.


Sara Sara Martin - Open Door Architecture Open Door Architecture

Planning Staff
Lindsay Crockett
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.crockett@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
914 Luttrell St. 37917

Katie Katie King - Barry Preston Barry Preston