Historic Zoning Commission

Market Square H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVAL to install wooden pair of doors with low arch glass panel in top three-quarters &wooden panel at bottom.

Applicant Request

Level II. Replacement/repair

Replace late-added, non-original wood-framed double-leaf, full-light doors with pair of new wood doors. Doors have low arch at top, six-light panels above in top three-quarters and wooden panels in bottom one-quarter. Simulated-divided lights.

Site Info

Vernacular Commercial (1905)

McBee Trading Company Building. Two-story brickbuilding with elaborate corbelling, limestone sills, lintels and cornice and altered storefront. A dry goods store named the McBee Trading Company was the first occupant of this building, followed by the Huff Edington department store. In 1935, it became a White Store and by 1950 a clothing store.

1) The recessed entry doors were not early or original and were approved to be replaced with in-kind material and design at the 1-19-2012 HZC meeting.

2) The additional door height added is more in keeping with the scale of the entrance elevation.

3) Although the arch of the doors and the muntin configuration is not congruent with the style of the buildilng, the heavy wood doors are overall proportionate to the recessed opening and the building.

4) The doors have 6-light simulated divided lights in the upper three-quarters which conveys a different era. The design guidelines state that the door shall not be decorated with window grills or other features that are not in keeping with the era of development.

5) Given that the doors are recessed several feet, they are somewhat less visible than doors that are flush with the façade.

MARKET SQUARE DESIGN GUIDELINES (the guidelines apply in their entirety.)
7. The entrance door shall have a full-view glass panel. The door shall not be decorated with moldings, cross bucks, window grills or other features that are not in keeping with the era of development.

8. Entry doors can be recessed behind the front plane of the storefront.

12. Inappropriate historical themes shall be avoided.

3. All buildings, structures, and sites shall be recognized as products of their own time. Alterations that have no historical basis and which seek to create an earlier appearance shall be discouraged.


Scott and Bernadette Scott and Bernadette West - Preservation Pub Preservation Pub

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
28 Market Square 37902

Scott and Bernadette Scott and Bernadette West - Preservation Pub Preservation Pub