Historic Zoning Commission

Market Square H-1: Level I


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 50511MKT as follows:

Applicant Request

Level I. Standard repair

Site Info

Victorian Vernacular Commercial (c.1870)

J. F. Horne Building/ Gold Sun Café. Two story brick with two over two second story windows with arched brick lintels. Altered c. 1965 storefront with plate glass and Roman brick base. Bricked in windows on north elevation.

J. F. Horne & Bros., a tobacco and liquor store, occupied this building from 1876 to 1905, when it became a restaurant and confectioners. From 1920 until at least 1965, it was known as the Gold Sun Café, and has remained in restaurant use.

1) APPROVE the color change in lettering on the signboards above the windows on the north elevation.
2) APPROVE the installation of either signboard, lettering on surfboard as presented with this application.
3) APPROVE in concept the installation of a sign board, indirectly lit if possible, as the wall sign on the second floor recess at the northeast corner of the building facing Wall Avenue; APPROVE any of the three submitted designs for the signboard.


Jim Odle, Odle & Young Architects

Location Knoxville
37 Market Square

Glenn Laiken, Inc.