Other Business


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

Staff and Executive Committee recommend approval of the proposed budget.

See case notes below


Case Notes



MPC Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Proposed Budget


Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the proposed budget. Executive Committee to meet on June 9, 2009, and report to the full Commisison
Please consider for approval the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2009-10. The proposed budget is based on approved City of Knoxville and Knox County budgets. Revenue and expenditure assumptions supporting the $4.18 million budget are summarized below:

Revenue Assumptions:
1. Fee receipts are estimated at $360,000, to reflect a significant decline in development activity.
2. City and County allocations of $900,000 were originally requested, or about same as last year including contract work. However, approved budgets for City is short by $30,000 and County is short by $154,000. In addition, $120,000 is estimated for office space provided by City and County.
3. Transportation ?related grant funding is estimated at $1.96 million, or about $700,000 less than last year to reflect current funding levels. MPC expects to pay about $130,000 for required local match for all grants, but expects to receive $279,000 for indirect charges reimbursed through grants.
4. Additional revenue through contract work is being pursued with Jefferson County schools.

Expenditure Assumptions:
1. Salaries and benefits are programmed at $2.7 million, a significant decrease of $249,000 from last fiscal year reflecting steps implemented to address budget constraints. These include: no salary increases, a resignation of a Development Services planner; an open Transportation Planner position being filled by an internal transfer of staff; a voluntary program to temporarily reduce work hours and a voluntary program to encourage retirements. The voluntary programs project savings of $166,000, including $113,000 from two retirements and $53,000 from six staff reducing work time. Employer provided health insurance premiums increased by $20,000 over last year. Approximately $621,000 of staff salaries and benefits are funded by grants.
2. Operating expenditures are projected two percent higher at $460,000. Grant reimbursable expenditures other than direct salaries are projected 39 percent lower for a total of $1.04 million.
3. Fund balance withdrawals project $33,000 in computer and software purchases including a Groupwise server and Web server replacement from last year. Unrestricted net assets (fund balance) on June 30, 2008 were $425,838 and are estimated to be reduced to $281,000 by June 30, 2009 due to lower fee receipts and other revenues. The projected fund balance at June 30, 2010 could decrease to $248,000, or about 6 percent of total annual expenditures.
Disposition Summary
Staff and Executive Committee recommend approval of the proposed budget.

Metropolitan Planning Commission

Case History