Historic Zoning Commission

Village of Concord HZ: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the work as completed, with the condition that the applicant remove the vinyl and aluminum porch elements and provide a revised porch design which meets the guidelines, with approval by staff.

Applicant Request


Removal of existing metal roof on both buildings (10913 and 10915 Lake Ridge drive) and replacement with new standing-seam metal roof on both. On flat porch roof, removal of existing membrane roof and replacement with new TPO membrane roof. Installation of boxed metal fascia trim and gutters, vinyl soffit, and aluminum wrap around four wood posts.

CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PER 6.22.22 HZC MEETING: approval of roof work as completed; with the condition that the applicant remove the vinyl and aluminum porch elements and provide a revised porch design which meets the guidelines, with approval by staff.

Site Info

Vernacular Commercial, c.1890

Two-story, limestone building with a flat roof and a parapet wall. Paired half-light wood door centered on façade with single-light transom window. One-over-one, double-hung wood windows. One-story, shed-roof front porch.

1. 10915 Lake Ridge Drive is a contributing resource to the Village of Concord National Register Historic District and local overlay. 10913 Lake Ridge Drive is a modern building which connects to the east elevation of the historic structure at 10915.

2. The work is being reviewed after-the-fact; the contractors have stated they are not required to permit re-roofing work in Knox County and minor scopes such as wrapping the porch in vinyl and aluminum would not require a permit either. The contractors were unaware of the historic zoning overlay and did not seek a Certificate of Appropriateness.

3. The replacement of exposed fastener metal roofs on both 10913 and 10915 Lake Ridge Drive meets the design guidelines, as the applicant has upgraded to a standing-seam metal product, the roofs are minimally visible from the right-of-way due to parapets on both facades, and 10913 is a non-contributing, modern building. These scopes of work could have been approved as a Level 1 COA, had an application been submitted to staff in advance.

4. The front porch elements, while most likely not original to the building, did adhere to the design guidelines as using wood elements instead of synthetic materials. The design guidelines state "porches ... shall be repaired or replicated in size and design using wood materials for [...] posts and columns so that they duplicate the original size and design." Guidelines also state that reconstruction in order to achieve a uniform or 'improved' appearance is inappropriate, along with noting the "application of synthetic or substitute materials such as vinyl or aluminum over original wood siding is not appropriate." While these are porch elements and not siding, general preservation principles (and the Secretary of the Interiors Standards) discourage enclosing wood elements with synthetic materials for simply aesthetic purposes.


Bryant Bryant Brockett - Falcon Roofing Falcon Roofing

Planning Staff
Lindsay Crockett
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.crockett@knoxplanning.org
Location Knox County
10915 Lake Ridge Dr. 37934

Switzer Investments, LLC