Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the project as submitted, with the condition that all efforts be taken to keep the existing windows intact during removal and the windows be donated to an architectural salvage shop or other venue where the windows could be reused in a similar historic house.

Applicant Request

Siding; Windows

Lead-based paint abatement project initiated by City of Knoxville Community Development. Majority of work described in work write-up would not require COA (scraping paint, cleaning and stabilizing exterior elements, and painting), retaining existing exterior elements.

Level 1 scopes of work: replacement of existing wood louvered gable vents with new louvered vents in same size, materials, and design as existing.

Level 2 scope of work: replacement of 13 exterior windows with new windows. Windows to be replaced include 11 three-over-one, double-hung wood windows; 1 one-over-one, double-hung wood window (rear elevation); and 1 single-light fixed window (on semi-enclosed porch). Metal security bars will be removed. Exterior wood trim to be repaired and retained.

Proposed replacement windows are Andersen Fibrex (composite) material, simulated divided light windows with muntins on the exterior and interior. The replacement windows will be three-over-one, maintaining the same pane division and muntin style, and will be the same size as the existing, installed in the same fenestrations with no additional enclosure.

Conditions of approval per 5/20/21 HZC meeting: 1) all efforts be taken to keep the existing windows intact during removal and the windows be donated to an architectural salvage shop or other venue where the windows could be reused in a similar historic house.

Site Info

Craftsman, c.1915

One-story residence with a side-gable roof clad in asphalt shingles, an exterior of wood weatherboard siding, and a brick foundation. A partial-width, front-gable roof porch projects from the left half of the façade, supported by tapered wood columns on brick piers. Windows are three-over-one, double-hung wood sash. Central brick chimney.

1. 2104 Washington Avenue is a contributing resource to the Park City National Register Historic District and the Edgewood-Park City overlay.

2. The existing windows are three-over-one, double-hung wood sash, most likely original to the house, and character-defining features. The proposed replacement is not driven by the existing windows' condition, but due to the subject property being approved for the City's "Lead-Safe and Healthy Homes Program," which addresses lead-based paint hazards in eligible households.

3. Staff, Community Development, and CAC have discussed the project since early February 2020. The applicants (City of Knoxville Community Development and Knox County CAC) receive HUD funding for lead-based abatement projects, with a preference to use the majority of funds for elderly and/or low-to-moderate-income households. Related to the funding are energy efficiency requirements, to which Community Development and CAC must adhere. A compromise between the HUD requirements and the Edgewood-Park City design guidelines is necessary to meet the intent of both programs. Due to the energy efficiency requirements and cost constraints, the applicant is unable to select single-pane windows (which most true divided light windows are) or wood windows.

4. Due to the federal funding involved in the project, the project was reviewed by the SHPO and the composite windows were determined to have "no adverse effect" on the overall historic district. The composite material was approved as a replacement window and the SHPO requested follow-up images of the windows as installed to assist in determinations for future projects.

5. While some vinyl windows have been occasionally approved in Edgewood-Park City on a limited, case-by-case basis, the Fibrex composite material has not yet been approved in the district. The same brand of Andersen Fibrex composite windows was approved on second-story windows in Market Square (325 Union Ave/2 Market Square).

6. The proposed composite Fibrex material will allow the applicant to meet HUD requirements for energy efficiency, stay within the overall project budget (thus being able to repair and retain other exterior wood elements), and select replacements which maintain the overall size of the windows, and the three-over-one exterior muntins and pane division.

7. The windows will retain the existing exterior trim elements, will not receive fixed thermal glazing or be made inoperable, will not use tinted or reflective glass, and will not enclose or block in any windows.

8. As the existing windows appear to be in good condition, donating them to a salvage shop or similar resource where they can be re-used would be a positive mitigation effort.


Todd Todd Kennedy - City of Knoxville Community Development/Knox CAC City of Knoxville Community Development/Knox CAC

Planning Staff
Lindsay Crockett
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.crockett@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
2104 Washington Ave. 37917

Robert Robert Buford