Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level I/II


Staff Recommendation

DENY Certificate No. 32708ONK. If the attic window is changed, a specific design will call for more information than was provided in this application. The Design Guidelines, pg. 29, Accessory Buildings, call for wood siding and windows.

Applicant Request

Level II. Replacement/repair (Level I issued)
Guttering; Roofing; Siding; Skylights or solar collectors

Level II: Replace window in front gable roof. Replace windows in block building (non-contributing) located to the rear of primary building and not visible from E. Oklahoma; install vinyl siding on block building.

Level I:Remove asbestos shingles and repair existing siding and wood trim if necessary OR repair existing asbestos shingles; repair or replace gutters if necessary; repair or replace roof is necessary.

Site Info

Queen Anne Cottage (c.1910)

One and one-half story frame with asbestos shingle wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, asphalt shingle covering. Double hung one over one windows with large horizontal metal slider window in front gable. One story two-thirds front porch with replacement metal columns and balustrade. Stuccoed foundation. Irregular plan. Projecting bay on south elevation.

(c.1970). One story concrete block building with gabled roof, asphalt shingle covering. (NC)

Applicant has indicated that window in front gable of the house is deteriorated and in need of replacement. If he chooses to replace this window, the new window should be consistent with the architecture of the building, and any grandfathering that accompanies the existing window will be lost. Originally, the front gable would have had a very small glassed opening or louvered shutter, since the attic space was probably converted to living space. Code requirements for a bedroom opening would include a minimum 5.7 sq. ft. of open exit space, with minimum dimensions of no smaller than 20" in width and 22" in height. An exact sign and design must be submitted in order to allow an adequate review.


William Meredith

Location Knoxville
409 E Oklahoma Ave

William Meredith