Historic Zoning Commission

Mechanicsville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE design of sign but request that total height and width of sign be no more than 2' each.

Applicant Request

Level II. Replacement/repair

LEVEL II CERTIFICATE: Construct new sign.

Site Info

Queen Anne Cottage (c.1900)

One story frame with asbestos shingle wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables and asphalt shingle covering. One story two-thirds front porch with replacement metal columns. Double hung two over two windows. Three interior offset brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Projecting square bay on front elevation. Irregular plan.

The precedent for this size of sign was set in a request for a sign located at 1017 Tulip Avenue. Even though the area is zoned O-1 Office, it is important that the residential appearance of the historic district be retained. The proposed sign, at 2'x2', is an attempt to allow the occupant to highlight the location, while retaining the residential appearance of the area.


Rez Oskui

Location Knoxville
1323 Hannah Ave

Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Knox County