Historic Zoning Commission

Individual Landmark:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. The proposed sign is not visible from Ramsey House, and will bring needed greater visibility to the site.

Applicant Request


Construct 4'x8' sign on stone base to mark turn onto Thorngrove Pike from E. Gov. John Sevier Highway, to enable motorists to locate Ramsey House.

Site Info


The Ramsey House Plantation owns several different parcels in the vicinity of the house, including this one on the corner of East Governor John Sevier Highway. It is an open field lower in elevation than the pavement of either Thorngrove Pike or E. Governor John Sevier Highway.

A large roadside sign is obviously not in keeping with the eighteenth century character of the John Sevier House. However, the APTA has long had difficulty directing interested visitors to the Ramsey House. The sign is not out of keeping with the general appearance of East Governor John Sevier Highway, and will assist the APTA in its efforts to preserve the Ramsey House.


Ramsey House (Max Ramsey)

Location Knox County
2614 Thorngrove Pk

Northeast corner of intersection of East Governor John Sevier Highway and Thorngrove Pike

Ramsey House (Max Ramsey)