Historic Zoning Commission

Individual Landmark: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate 2606BGEN except for proposed balconies and window configuration. Current windows are inappropriate and the proposed addition of "Chicago" style window divisions and the rear addition will improve the building.

Applicant Request

Level II. Replacement/repair
Architectural feature; Awning or canopy; Doors; Guttering; Masonry repair/painting; Windows

Façade, west elevation: Replace existing gutters and downspouts with new system with black finish; clean existing exterior masonry surfaces, repoint existing mortar joints as necessary; replace windows with new metal awning window with black finish with "putty" bevel mullions to simulate Chicago windows; install new balconies with horizontal railing with glass panel inset behind guardrail; install new canvas canopies above existing plaza level storefronts; clean and paint existing storefronts replacing smoked glazing with clear.
East elevation: Replace existing gutters and downspouts; clean masonry; remove and replace windows with new metal awning windows with black finish and new entries to balconies and balconies as noted on façade; install new aluminum storefront system at park level patio locations; install new construction to fill in inset on elevation with prefinished metal panels and parapet (black finish) projecting 4-5' above existing roofline and topping glass curtain wall with clear anodized aluminum frame, clear glass, and tripartite entries behind balcony rail matching proposed balconies.
North and South elevations: Replace existing gutters and downspouts; clean and repoint mortar; replace windows with new metal awning window with black finish and clear glazing, and "putty" beveled mullions.

Site Info

Commercial Vernacular with Art Deco influence (c.1925)

Five story brick building, replacement metal framed large pane windows on all elevations. Cornice of cast stone string courses framing large window openings. Parapet at roofline with flat roof and mechanical penthouse. Recessed section (original loading platform for rail transportation) on rear (east) elevation. Modifications to west elevation (façade) to incorporate storefront type entrances at time of World's Fair. The south façade forms the primary elevation of original building, with two bays with a centered recessed entrance marked by cast stone engaged pilasters and a gabled portico. North elevation with continuation of cornice, replacement windows and other features common to remainder of building.

The proposed rear addition is transparent, and will infill a section of the building that is not fully utilized, and is not original. Window replacement is also appropriate, since the original windows were removed from the building a number of years ago, and replaced by fixed panes of glass than are not architecturally significant. Although the original design of the windows is not known, Chicago style windows are appropriate to the age of the building and will return appropriate design features to the building. However, the balconies on the east and west elevations lead to the insertion of doors, which will alter the brickwork on the building. The addition of balconies will also have a negative impact on the east and west elevations of the building, which was constructed to house a wholesaling and manufacturing use. Thought should also be given to the design of the windows. Research was unable to determine the design of the original windows, but it is unlikely that they were configured with small divided lights. Unless documentation can be found to support that design, it might be desirable to install large paned one over one windows. Secretary's Standards referred to in these comments include: #2 (The historic character of a property will be retained and preserved. The removal of distinctive materials or alterations of features, space and spatial relationships that characterize a property will be avoided); #3 (Each property will be recognized as a physical records of its time, place and use. Changes that create a false sense of historical development, such as adding conjectural features or elements from other historic properties, will not be undertaken.); #9 (New additions, exterior alterations or related new construction will not destroy historic materials, features, and spatial relationships that characterize the property.); #10 (New additions and adjacent or related new construction will be undertaken in such a manner that, if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired.)


Buzz Goss (Goss Pearcy Goss)

Location Knoxville
1060 World's Fair Park Dr

City of Knoxville