Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the work as proposed.

Applicant Request


Pergola structure on the house's rear elevation. Pergola will extend from gable-roof, enclosed porch addition on rear elevation. Pergola will measure 14'-0" deep by 21'-0" wide and 7'-7" tall, and be constructed of 8" x 8" wood support posts with 12"by 3.5" pine header beams. 2" by 6" partial pergola rafters are spaced every two feet on the rear and right sides of the pergola. Permeable pavers in a herringbone pattern will be installed underneath the pergola roof.

Site Info

1. 625 Luttrell Street is a contributing resource to the Fourth and Gill National Register Historic District and the local historic overlay.

2. The proposed pergola has been designed to not increase the property's building coverage or impervious surface coverage. The pergola is proposed for a non-character-defining elevation of the house, and will be connected to the non-historic gable-roof enclosed porch. The pergola will be minimally visible from the public right-of-way, due to the location of the existing shed on the property and the rear elevation and privacy fence under construction at adjacent 629 Luttrell Street.

3. The proposed pergola is small in size and scale. Wood materials and permeable herringbone pavers are compatible with the house's wood siding and details. The pergola could be easily removed without effect on any historic features or materials on the primary house.


Nick Nick DiRoberto - Smoky Mountain Deck Builders Smoky Mountain Deck Builders

Planning Staff
Lindsay Crockett
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.crockett@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
625 Luttrell St. 37917

Jonathan Jonathan Wiesehugel - Lacy Mellon Lacy Mellon