Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level I


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate 101011ONK as submitted.

Applicant Request

Level I. Standard repair
Architectural feature

Site Info

Queen Anne Cottage with Colonial Revival entry (c. 1910, c. 1920)

Steeply pitched hip roof with gables and asphalt shingle covering, sawn wood attic vent. Double hung three over one windows. Gabled portico with exposed rafters, square wood posts on wood piers. Two interior offset brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Rectangular plan.

The faux brick wall covering is beginning to deteriorate and the homeowner is patching it where feasible without altering the look. However, at the base of the wall, the faux brick is deteriorated too much to patch and water is infiltrating the house. It is not possible to find an exact match of the faux brick so the homeowner is proposing the wood trim detail.

The original wall covering for this house could have been wood. In which case, a wood trim detail at the base of the wall could have been used.


Julie Julie Wichlinski

Location Knoxville
322 E Oklahoma Ave 37917

Julie Julie Wichlinski