Design Review Board

Level 1: Sign


Staff Recommendation

Applicant Request

This request is for installing a small, non-illuminated, ground sign closer to the front property line than permitted by the base zoning, C-2. The design of this sign is pedestrian oriented and is constructed out of a square metal post and a hanging sign shingle.

Site Info

The C-2 zoning requires ground signs to be setback 10 feet from the right-of-way line and 15 feet from the curb. This request is to reduce the setback from the right-of-way line to 4 feet and from the curb 9 feet. From the Zoning Ordinance for Knoxville, TN, Article 4, Section 26, part C:
"The Downtown Design Review Board may issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to avoid the need for variances in cases where a development has been conceived to respect the historic context of the block, provide greater pedestrian activity at the sidewalk level or meet other provisions of the guidelines."

Additionally, the size of the sign is compatible with the recommended six square feet or less of a shingle or hanging sign (Section 2, B1b). This sign is not attached to the building façade as most hanging signs are, but given the context of this unique location and the signs pedestrian scale, it appears appropriate.


Planning Staff
Anne Wallace
Phone: 215-2500
416 Cumberland Ave