

Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

O-1 (Office, Medical & Related Services)

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

3403 Tazewell Pike

Northwest side Tazewell Pike, northeast of Smithwood Rd.

Council District 4
Census Tract 42

1.18 acres

North City

Land Use Designation? Medium Density Residential

Currently on the Property
Medical office

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
RECOMMEND that City Council APPROVE O-1 (Office, Medical & Related Services) zoning.
The recommended O-1 zoning is compatible with surrounding development and zoning and is a logical extension of office zoning from the northwest. MPC unanimously voted to recommend approval of O-1 zoning for this site on 10/14/10. MPC also unanimously approved a One Year Plan amendment and North City Sector Plan amendment to office at that meeting (10-A-10-PA/10-A-10-SP). On 11/16/10, City Council voted to refer the rezoning case back to MPC to consider O-3 zoning.

Either O-1 or O-3 zoning are consistent with the sector plan and One Year Plan proposals for the property. Staff maintained its original recommendation to approve O-1 zoning. Several properties in the surrounding area are currently zoned O-1. Most surrounding properties are zoned R-2. O-1 zoning allows the office use of the site, but also retains the opportunity to develop residential uses, the same as all of the adjacent properties. Rezoning the property O-3 would take away residential development rights that all neighboring properties currently have. Additionally, O-3 zoning is intended for office park development, which generally occurs on larger properties and contains multiple office buildings arranged in a campus-like setting.

O-1 zoning allows a wider range of uses, a greater maximum building height of 45', a larger rear yard setback and less signage than O-3. O-3 zoning allows less uses, has a maximum building height of 35', a smaller rear yard setback and allows more wall signage. Both zones allow a monument sign with a maximum of 6 feet in height and 36 square feet in area.
Disposition Summary
O-1 (Office, Medical & Related Services)

What's next?

After the Planning Commission
This Rezoning case in the City was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - December 24, 2010 has passed.

CAD Properties (Referred back by City Council)

Case History