Historic Zoning Commission

Ft. Sanders NC-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 10710FTS, with modification of proposed grid pattern so the resulting window design and half-view door design are not gridded into smaller segments.

Applicant Request

Level II. Replacement/repair
Other: Structural

Applicant wishes to extend the height of the southeast corner of the three-story frame residential structure. Exterior of addition will be clad in vinyl siding consistent with the siding on the remainder of the building. Remove exterior wooden access stair. Install replacement windows which duplicate the size of the existing building, with grids diving the windows into a nine over nine pattern. Installed new entry door, also with gridded half view window.

Site Info

Queen Anne (1903)

Two story frame with artificial siding. Hip roof with lower cross gables with partial returns on front gable One over one double hung windows. One story full front porch with octagonal bay, replacement square wood posts and sawn wood balcony, hip roof. Wood side stair accessing second story, which is an addition with a hipped roof on the side of the building. Brick foundation. Irregular plan.

Proposed height increase is located atop a one story enclosed addition which is on the rear and east side of the building. Removal of wooden access stair is complimentary to the overall building design. The removal of the grids in the windows and door will result in a one over one window design and half-view design in the door more appropriate to the building's Queen Anne design.


Michael Michael Harding

Location Knoxville
1400 Laurel Ave 37916

Southeast side Laurel Avenue, southwest side Fourteenth Street

Neely Realty Company