Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of 1-F-21-IH.

Applicant Request

Additions visible from the primary street; Changes to porches visible from the primary street

While rear porches are not always subject to design review under the Infill Housing ordinance, the porch in question is located on a cirber lot and visible from Grove Street. While design guidelines discourage enclosing open front porches, the porch in question is a rear porch which is already partially enclosed with siding and screen windows.

The existing screened-in porch will be enclosed as part of a broader exterior rehabilitation project, and will be enclosed with vinyl lap siding to match the rest of the house. The one-over-one, double-hung vinyl windows will receive exterior trim to match the existing trim. The proposed windows will add additional transparency on side and rear elevations. The existing shed roof covering the porch will not be expanded or modified in size or pitch. The addition will be accessible via an existing stair.

Site Info

Enclosure of existing screened-in porch on rear corner of the porch. 456 Hiawassee is a corner lot, so porch enclosure is visible from Grove street. Shed-roof porch will be enclosed to provide additional interior space. Enclosure will feature vinyl lap siding to match rest of house and one-over-one, double-hung vinyl windows will be installed on each elevation (right, rear, and left sides) of the addition. A secondary entry door will be located on the left side of the rear, accessible by an existing stair system.


Patrick Harris

Planning Staff
Lindsay Crockett
Phone: 865-215-3795
456 Hiawassee Ave.

New Season Properties