Historic Zoning Commission

Ft. Sanders NC-1: Level IV


Staff Recommendation

The accessory garage structure appears to date to the 1940s, but is in poor condition, has been heavily altered over earlier years, and does not retain historic integrity; therefore, it does not contribute to the historic character of the property.

Applicant Request

Level IV. Demolition or relocation of contributing structure
Parking lot or driveway paving; Other: Demo Auxillary Structure

Demolition of accessory garage structure along alley behind primary house structure which fronts Highland Avenue. Add 6 paved parking spaces and one tree on the demolition site, behind the primary house structure and accessed from the alley.

Site Info

The Fort Saunders Neighborhood Conservation District Design Guidelines, Section F. Parking, states:
2) Provide parking acess off the alley or off a side street.
3) Plant one native shade tree for every 50 feet of lot width, adjacent to or as islands within the parking area.
4) In constructing residential parking, 8.5-foot stall widths and 24-foot side lane widths may be used for 90-degree angled parking lots.
7) Surface parking area shall always be to the rerar of the building.


CGH Properties, LLC - Peter Hall Peter Hall

Location Knoxville
1705 Highland Ave 37916

CGH Properties, LLC - Peter Hall Peter Hall