Historic Zoning Commission

George Taylor House Individual H Landmark: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the work as proposed.

Applicant Request

Level II. Construction of addition or outbuilding
Accessory structure

Construction of a new secondary structure (poolhouse) and accompanying patio. Poolhouse will be placed behind the primary residence on the property, and 18' from the closest interior property line. Overall, the structure will be 22' wide by 60' long, including a 20' wide by 16' long covered porch on the south elevation, and a 12' wide and 10' long enclosed massing on the north elevation. The covered porch features a second-story deck with square wood posts and a decorative balustrade.

A new paved patio will connect the poolhouse's east elevation with the pool. Portions of the patio will be enclosed with a decorative balustrade to match the deck.

The poolhouse features a steeply pitched (12/12) hipped roof clad in slate shingles, a complex roofline with hipped dormers on the south, east, and west roof slopes, and a centrally located cupola. The dormers, cupola, and north elevation massing feature standing seam metal roofs. Eave overhangs on the primary roof massing feature decorative curved wood brackets. The poolhouse will rest on a foundation clad in brick, and feature decorative shingle siding to reflect the primary house.

A brick masonry chimney will be located along the east elevation of the covered porch.

Window sizes and profiles vary but all windows are aluminum clad, divided lights, including multi-light casements and fixed windows. Doors are full-light topped by built-in, three-light transoms.

Site Info

Queen Anne with Neoclassical influence, c.1900, c.1929

George Taylor House. Two-story frame residence with shingle wall covering and applied quoins. Pyramidal hipped roof with clad in asphalt shingles. One-story ell on east elevation with hipped roof forming enclosed sunporch. Two-story ell with quoins on west elevation connects to a one-story extension. Three-bay front façade with a front entry on the western bay, an arched portico with a cornice, entablature and dentil molding supported by square pilasters with Doric capitals and a six-panel entry door with a four-light transom. Twelve-over-twelve, double-hung wood windows. 1929 redesign was executed by Charles Barber.

1. The George Taylor House is an individual H landmark and a contributing resource to the Kingston Pike Historic District on the National Register of Historic Places.

2. The secondary structure is proposed to be placed approximately 30' behind the rearmost line of the primary structure, and set approximately 18' from the east side property line. Due to the land's topographical slope south towards the river and the overall size and height of the primary house, the poolhouse structure will be minimally visible from the public right-of-way, if visible at all. Placement of the secondary structure is appropriate.

3. While the proposed poolhouse is large in scale, the primary residence is a substantial two-story residence with multiple side additions and extensions. Moreover, the Kingston Pike Historic District is characterized by larger, high-style houses with substantial outbuildings. The massing and scale of the secondary structure will not detract from the integrity of the primary house or the surrounding context.

4. The proposed poolhouse features materials that correspond to the primary structure, including a slate shingle roof, decorative shingle siding, multi-light windows, a steeply pitched 12/12 roof, and a brick-clad foundation and chimneys. The complex design for the poolhouse, along with its purpose and use, will serve to differentiate the secondary structure from the primary residence.

5. No historic materials or structures will be removed or altered for the construction of the poolhouse and patio. The secondary structure could be removed without any modifications to the historic house or the surrounding context.


Emily Emily Yoakum - Jonathan Miller Architecture Jonathan Miller Architecture

Planning Staff
Lindsay Crockett
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.crockett@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
3128 Kingston Pk. 37912

Paul Paul Murphy