Historic Zoning Commission

Ft. Sanders NC-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the work as proposed, with the condition that the footprint of the proposed rear addition match that of the historic sunporch.

Applicant Request

Level II. Major repair or replacement of materials or architectural elements

- After-the-fact review of demolition of rear shed-roof sunporch

- After-the-fact review of reconstruction of 6' x 12' foundation; foundation to be constructed of concrete masonry units with a brick façade to match rest of house

- Construction of 6' x 12' rear addition, to feature shed roof (4/12 pitch, clad in asphalt shingles), fiber cement board siding, and one 30" x 30" window on rear (west) elevation. Addition will have 6" offset from left (north) side of house.

Site Info

Queen Anne Cottage (c.1910)

One-story frame residence with a hipped roof with lower cross gables. One-over-one, double-hung sash windows. One-story, full-length front porch with wood posts on brick piers. Interior offset chimney. Cutaway bay on front elevation. Irregular plan. Contributing structure.

1. The house is a contributing resource to the Fort Sanders NC-1 Overlay and National Register Historic District.

2. HZC review of the rear porch demolition is after-the-fact; the porch foundation, framing, exterior walls, and windows have already been removed and the foundation has been reconstructed.

3. The sunporch is not a character-defining feature and removal and reconstruction of a small rear addition is appropriate under the guidelines. The proposed addition will feature brick facing on a concrete block foundation, HardiePlank siding, and a shed roof clad in asphalt shingles, all of which are suitable materials.

4. At the time of the application, the sunporch foundation and framing had been reconstructed to be flush with the existing west elevation. Guidelines recommend an offset to distinguish new construction from the historic house; moreover, increasing the footprint of the rear addition could create or increase a lot coverage nonconformity. The rear addition should maintain the exact footprint of the sunporch.


John John Holmes

Planning Staff
Lindsay Crockett
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.crockett@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
203 16th St. 37916

John John Holmes